Quality & Certificates

De Martini wants to guarantee products that perfectly meet customer satisfaction, and all involved parties. To do so,  we define the following as our Quality Policy principles.

Attention to customers and relevant stakeholder

De Martini is committed to understand customer needs and all activities are planned to meet them. The ultimate scope is providing competitive products and high quality standards, with professionalism and flexibility.
De Martini always operates in compliance with requests and requirements, in terms of:

• Quality, safety, respect for health and environment
• Market
• Laws and regulations of the country we operate in
• Of all stakeholder involved in our processes

Process approach

De Martini identifies activities as processes to be planned, controlled and constantly improved by using at resources at its best.
De Martini manages its own processes so they are univocal and clear:

• Objectives to be pursued and expected results
• Related responsibilities and resources used


De Martini takes responsibility for the effectiveness of its Quality Management System (QMS), making available all necessary resources, information and knowledge and ensuring that planned objectives are compatible with the context and strategic directions of De Martini.

De Martini communicates the importance of the QMS and actively involves all stakeholders, coordinating them for an awareness of the importance of their role, promoting shared values and correct patterns of behaviour suitable for reducing the risks related to the activities performed.

Respect for the environment

De Martini has always worked in full harmony with the environment; our production plant has been designed as "zero impact", eliminating the use of fossil fuels and direct emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. Our group produces alternative energy from renewable sources with the use of photovoltaic panels   covering up to 30% of its energy needs.

The production cycle is designed not to generate or release liquid or gaseous emissions; at its end, production waste is reused as much as possible as secondary raw materials, limiting landfilling. Where possible, packaging is reused several times or comes from recycled material.

Risk and opportunity assessment

De Martini plans its own processes with a risk-based thinking approach, in order to implement the most appropriate actions to:

• Assess and deal with risks associated with the processes
• Leverage and reinforce identified opportunities

Staff and stakeholder involvement

De Martini is aware that the involvement of staff and all stakeholders, combined with the active participation of all collaborators, is a primary strategic element. It promotes the development of internal professionals and the careful selection of external collaborations to have competent and motivated human resources.

De Martini defines objectives for improvement, identifies causes of non-compliance by ensuring rapid and effective responses, and regularly monitors the results obtained by sharing them with stakeholders.


De Martini's standing objective is to improve the performance of its QMS and the level of customer satisfaction through products and performance in line with expectations.

Preliminary assessment of risks and opportunities related to business processes, verification activities, both internal and external, and management review are the tools that De Martini implements to constantly improve. The tool chosen for De Martini's pursuit of its Policy is the Quality Management System that aims to meet the requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001 ed. 2015.


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