MagnoLab, the network of textile companies for innovation, chose to give concrete support to the people affected by the recent earthquake in Turkey.
A total of 40 thousand euros were raised and donated to TEGV and TGSD, identified as trustworthy reference points for emergency and reconstruction-related initiatives.
"We chose these two associations for their reliability and for the projects they are leading for the population affected by the earthquake: concrete help to people is the essential purpose of this donation," explains Giovanni Marchi, MagnoLab president. " Specifically, TGSD will use funds received to build prefabricated houses for the evacuated and, to date, 150 are already available.
The Turkish Clothing Manufacturers’ Association (TGSD), founded in 1976, is a professional organization that became a public benefit organization by Council of Ministers Decree No. 2003/5288 of Feb. 7, 2003. It represents the main exporters in the industry, mainly targeting the European Union and the United States, accounting for an important part of the total export volume. It is a member of IAF (International Apparel Federation), Intercolor (International Commission for Color) and Euratex (the European Apparel and Textile Confederation).
The Educational Volunteers Foundation of Türkiye (TEGV) was established on January 23, 1995, through the initiative of a group of industrialists, managers and academics, with the aim of supporting basic education provided by the state. From the very beginning, TEGV focused on providing non-formal education to children of primary school age, on the basis of the motto of “As each child changes, Türkiye flourishes” and became the most widespread nongovernmental organization working in the field of education. In 2009, TEGV was recognized as one of the foundations entitled with the right to “collect charity without permission” by the Council of Ministers. TEGV continues to provide educational support to children, adopting a contemporary mission and vision, at 8 educational parks, 29 learning units and 18 Firefly learning units of its own in 24 cities in Turkey, under the cooperation protocol signed with the Ministry of National Education (MEB) on December 28, 2018.
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